Side tattoos are those tattoos are done on the side of the ribcage. They can be done in pairs or as an abstract form on any one side. Getting tattoos done on your side provide you with a bigger area to use as a canvas. Side tattoos are also quite painful as this area is quite bony and sensitive. There are a variety of designs that are ideal for ribcage tattoos. Celebrities love endorsing their tattoos on their sides. 9 popular side tattoo ideas are given below.
Chinese or Japanese Scripts running the length on one side of the ribcage. These are usually ideograms and look pretty cool. Deep philosophical meanings or saying are usually preferred. Angel motifs can also be done on a large scale on the ribcage. They don't necessarily have to be girly or pansy in design, fallen or vengeful angels can look quite masculine or daunting. Koi fish designs can be done is a colorful and bright manner on the ribcage where each detail can be worked on intricately. Depending on the design the meaning varies. Plus there are many details that can be worked on, background of the Koi fish, direction, color, etc. Mostly Koi fish represent strength, perseverance, courage and even love.
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Dragon tattoos are perfect for ribcages as they are usually large in size. Dragons are mythical creatures that can present a facade of mystique, fantasy and adventure. Eastern or Western types of dragon tattoos are the variations, depending on which one you prefer more. Pinup girls are another favorite for ribcage tattoos as they too look beautiful on a large scale and salute the old school or the rock and roll lifestyle of the past. These can be very colorful and sensuous in design. Tiger tattoos are made for the ribcage as the vast canvas gives a chance for true artistry to come out. The more lifelike the tiger, the more beautiful the representation. The colors and imagery it takes on brings the tiger tattoo to a whole new level. Tigers ooze masculinity, aggression, passion and power.
Tribal designs are also sought after as they give a monochromatic edgy look that is very masculine in nature. Tree of life is an Irish design that has many branches on which meaningful phrases and quotes can be written. It represents how we all have the same origin but have diversified, but even with all that are still inter related. No man is as island type theme.
Comic book characters can make you go back to your childhood and is an awesome way of paying homage to your favourite character throughout time
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